Barnträning på Vanadis aikidoklubb

Children's training

Children's groups

Aikido is a non-competitive Japanese budo art so anyone can participate. The exercises are performed in pairs in an interaction between the one who is to attack and the one who performs the technique. Fundamentally, the children and young people learn about falls, movements and practice their coordination skills, motor skills and body and spatial awareness. We wish to run a children's training based on joy and respect for each other.

Regular schedule for children's training

Mondaygrades 4-617:00 – 18:00
Wednesdaygrade 7 and up17:00 – 18:15
Fridaygrades 1-317:00 – 18:00

Our division into groups follows the school's grades, so that the children who train together should be as similar as possible in terms of age and maturity. For the younger ones, a lot of play is included, something that decreases in the older groups, where in the end more weapons training is included as a supplement than games. We hold fast to this division because it has proven to work best.

We want children who think aikido is fun in our groups, therefore all children should try twice before deciding to continue. If the group and the individual are to develop, the children/young people should be interested and willing to participate in the training. Then it will be more fun for everyone!

The children train once a week, as the training room has limited times. Instead, we try to hold a camp for all groups on one Saturday per term. There will be more intensive training and the opportunity to meet other instructors and gain new perspectives.

Fees for children and young people

The children pay a trial fee of SEK 200 when they come for the first time. It is enough for two sessions over two weeks, after which the training fee for the semester must be paid. Other information about fees for children's training can be found under "Practical information/fees".

Budo etiquette

We try to get you/the children to adopt certain rules and behaviors associated with practicing budo; martial arts. Each branch of budo, each dojo (training place) and instructor has its own take on these labels. The goal is to create general well-being, promote respect for each individual and that everyone should be able to train with everyone as much as possible.

When you come down to the premises, there is a shoe line with a shoe shelf, please use it. In the changing rooms, you yourself can keep track of your clothes etc. Remember that there are also other groups who change there. For everyone's comfort, training clothes, hands and feet must be clean, jewelry must be removed so as not to injure anyone.

In the dojo, we bow sitting or standing when we step on or off the mat. When we gather for practice and after the session, everyone should sit in seiza; on knees with hands on legs. It is a short moment of focus and meditation around the aikido session. We bow to the center (to O´sensei) and to each other. If for some reason you have to leave the mat, you must notify the trainer, i.a. so that someone injured does not disappear without supervision. You are welcome to make comments or wishes, but do so so that the training is not disturbed. Show respect and understanding for everyone; instructors, other budokas (budo practitioners) both on and off the mat and of course everyone else who doesn't practice.

Parents or others who want to watch are welcome, but this requires that you also concentrate so that the children/young people can do so. Mobile phones must be switched off if you are sitting in the dojo and try to be quiet. Otherwise, it's fine to wait downstairs in the club room.


We hold graduations at the end of each semester. To be able to graduate, attendance at 60% and an interest in learning the techniques are required. The grading systems are adapted to the children's age. More is required of older children/young people and gradually you grade and get "higher belts".

Vanadis Child Rating System:

1st degree15th kyuwhite belt
2nd degree14th kyuyellow belt
3rd degree13th kyuyellow belt
4th grade12th kyuorange belt
5th grade11th kyuorange belt
6th grade10.5 kyuorange belt
7th grade10th kyugreen belt
8th grade9.5 kyugreen belt
9th grade9th kyugreen belt
10th grade8.5 kyugreen belt
11th grade8th kyublue belt
12th grade7.5 kyublue belt
13th grade7th kyublue belt
14th grade6.5 kyublue belt

Information about the Friday group's grades is available for download here.
See Currentpage for more information about the semester's grading event.

Child instructors

The Monday group

Ion Florea
Contact person and principal responsible, year 4, 5 and 6
Phone 070-267 21 47

Instructors: Ion Florea, and Ola Westin

The Wednesday group

Christian Bleckman
Contact person and principal, year 7 and up
Phone 076-122 73 40

Instructors: Christian Bleckman and Svein Hatlen

The Friday group

Samuel Car lock
Contact person and principal responsible, year 1, 2 and 3.
Phone 072-224 23 24

Instructors: Samuel Billås, Ingela Johansson and Elisabeth Fors